Award as a pioneering company for resource conservation

Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau SE had taken various steps to increase its resource efficiency and reduce both energy consumption and costs. Among other things, the existing PV system was expanded by 586 kWp to a total output of 930 kWp. The electricity generated is mainly used for the company's own consumption, with any surplus being fed into the grid. In addition, an existing pump system for the internal domestic water supply system was replaced. With the help of automated pressure and frequency control of the pumps, the system not only serves to recover heat, but also contributes to the heating and cooling of all buildings. Initial evaluations show a saving of around 40% compared to the previous electricity requirement for operating the pump system. The higher volume flow of the new system has significantly increased the effectiveness of the heat recovery system and has also created reserves for future expansions.
The measures implemented to reduce energy and material consumption have now been recognized with the state's first KEFF+ label. KEFF+ stands for "Kompetenzstelle Ressourceneffizienz", a specialist contact point for processing companies that want to tackle the future topic of resource consumption. During the so-called "KEFF+Check" in spring, KEFF+ experts examined resource consumption at Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau SE and worked with production managers and quality management to identify potential improvements.
Daniel Huber, CEO of Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau SE, emphasized the close cooperation with the Resource Efficiency Competence Centre when presenting the label: "We are proud to be the first company in Baden-Württemberg to receive the KEFF+ label.The award fits in perfectly with our DNA, as environmental sustainability has always been part of our corporate philosophy.Our father, company founder Peter Huber, took the initiative early on and brought temperature control units with natural refrigerants onto the market - long before there were any legal requirements for this. With the construction of the tango factory, another ecological exclamation mark was set. We are continuing this tradition by constantly questioning ourselves in order to find even better solutions. The specific suggestions from our KEFF+ colleagues have helped us to implement targeted measures and reduce our energy consumption."
District Administrator Frank Scherer, who together with the Economic Development Agency was able to win over KEFF+ for Ortenau, was equally satisfied. With the "nectanet zero emission" initiative, the Ortenau district has been using specific projects since March to show how climate-neutral business can succeed.The district office joined forces with Nectanet, the Ortenau Energy Agency and Klimapartnern Südbaden e.V. (sponsor of KEFF+) to create nectanet zero emission.As part of this initiative, in addition to numerous presentations, 17 companies have already been visited and individual optimization and savings opportunities explored. Scherer emphasized the pioneering role of Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau SE in the country: "The refrigeration specialists at Huber have repeatedly demonstrated foresight when it comes to climate protection, sustainability and energy efficiency - the efforts to achieve this run through the entire company. The KEFF+ label underlines and honors this commitment and I hope that many more companies in Ortenau will follow this shining example," says Scherer.
In the future, Ortenau will continue to work on climate protection while at the same time securing the location for the economy. To this end, the district council has recently decided to join the Klimapartner Südbaden. Dr. Fabian Burggraf, Managing Director of the climate partners, explained: "We are delighted that the Ortenau district has joined the climate partners and the joint 'nectanet zero emission' initiative, which is already driving forward specific climate protection projects.Nevertheless, we still have huge tasks ahead of us before the Ortenau district is truly climate-neutral.Huber's award shows that working with the KEFF+ team can be a good first step."