Clever cooling in the research laboratory
Recirculating chiller as a cost-saving and environmentally compatible cooling solution for many applications

Recirculating chillers are now part of the indispensable basic equipment in almost all research laboratories. A look at the potential cost savings shows that there is hardly any way around the recirculating chiller. A simple sample calculation based on normal water and wastewater costs shows that even a compact model such as the Minichiller can save around 48,000 liters of water in a working week (5 days, 8 hours a day). Due to the low initial costs, the investment pays for itself after just a few months. Another plus point is that recirculating coolers can be used very universally for different applications. Typical laboratory applications include reactor blocks, autoclaves, steam barriers, vacuum pumps, rotary evaporators, heat exchangers, as well as microscopes, analytical and measuring equipment. However, recirculating chillers are not only interesting in terms of cost and water savings, but also offer advantages in terms of application technology. With low operating temperatures, recirculating chillers achieve better efficiencies and higher recoveries when condensing gases. In contrast to tap water cooling, a desired set temperature can be set in the range of -20 °C to +40 °C. There is no need to worry about temperature fluctuations, as the circulator controls the cooling water temperature with high accuracy. Furthermore, the constant pressure and flow rate have a positive effect on the reproducibility of the research results.

The Huber product range includes a wide selection of circulators in all performance classes. The Minichiller and Unichiller product series are characterized by flexible, modular technology. Depending on requirements, the units perform their service as a simple cooler under the laboratory bench or, thanks to professional control functions, are actively integrated into the application control.
In the Unichiller model range, air-cooled and water-cooled models are available with cooling capacities from 0.3 to 100 kW. The smallest models, the Minichillers, have already been a bestseller in the laboratory for many years. Small, robust and reasonably priced is the recipe for success. The compact circulators come in a high-quality stainless steel housing and require only a small footprint. A new feature of the units is the OLÉ controller. The controller combines modern technology, simple operation and convenient features at an affordable price. The range of functions includes a large, bright OLED display as well as RS232 and USB interfaces. A connection socket for a Pt100 sensor (no control) is optionally available ex works. Optionally, the devices are also available with an integrated 1 kW heater, extending the temperature range to +100 °C. Almost all Minichillers and Unichillers already operate with natural refrigerant as standard. For applications with high pressure drop, "P" models with pressure boosted circulation pump are available.
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Für anspruchsvolle Temperieraufgaben sind die leistungsstärkeren Unichiller im Towergehäuse verfügbar. Diese Modelle sind mit dem Touchscreen-Regler „Pilot ONE“ ausgestattet. Ein Merkmal bei diesem Regler ist die elektronische Upgrade-Funktion „E-grade“. Damit kann der Funktionsumfang nachträglich erweitert und somit an spezielle Aufgaben angepasst werden. Das Upgrade funktioniert denkbar einfach: Der Anwender erwirbt einen Aktivierungscode für das gewünschte Upgrade, dieser wird per E-Mail zugesandt und schaltet die zusätzlichen Funktionen frei. Neben der serienmäßigen „Basic“-Variante stehen die Varianten „Exclusive“ und „Professional“ zur Auswahl. Mit den Upgrades werden Zusatzfunktionen aktiviert wie z.B. Rampenfunktion, Programmgeber, TAC-Kaskadenregelung, anpassbare Usermenüs, Kalenderstart, 2. Sollwert, grafische Displayanzeige und externe Regelung. Die E-grade-Funktion bietet zusätzliche Investitionssicherheit, weil vorhandene Geräte nachträglich an wachsende Anforderungen angepasst werden können.

For circulators with Pilot ONE controller, operation is via a color 5.7 inch TFT touchscreen. The user menus are available in 13 languages and feature colored smartphone-style icons for easy, intuitive operation. All important parameters such as set and actual values, pump pressure and device messages are clearly displayed on the main screen. Temperature curves are displayed graphically in real time. The view can be switched with just a swipe of the finger, e.g. for a large display of curve graphics or temperature values. Connections for USB, LAN and RS232 as well as a data recorder for recording process data directly to a USB stick are on board as standard.
The extensive equipment already suggests that a Unichiller with Pilot ONE is more than just a cooler. With the optional heater, Unichillers become powerful process thermostats for temperatures of up to +100 °C. The modern control technology ensures a temperature constancy of ±0.2 K and offers numerous functions to meet even higher demands. Models with cooling capacities of up to 100 kW are available in this equipment class. This opens up numerous possible applications, e.g. for heat dissipation in chemical processes or for cooling technical equipment.

Intelligent energy management in Huber recirculating chillers ensures less waste heat and reduces operating costs for electricity and cooling water. The cooling capacity is automatically adjusted to the demand with a stepper motor-controlled valve. In air-cooled models, noise is additionally minimized by speed-controlled and particularly quiet-running fans. All Minichillers and Unichillers are designed for unattended continuous operation at room temperatures of up to +40 °C. With the weather protection and winter operation options, Unichillers can also be installed outdoors. Remote control via data line is then possible via the removable controller.
The range is rounded off with the worldwide unique "RotaCool", a circulating cooler specially designed for rotary evaporators. The space-saving special design allows it to be installed under the rotary evaporator, which means that almost no additional space is required on the laboratory bench.